Saturday, 30 August 2008


Bawitdaba da Bang-a-dang Diggy Diggy;
Diggy said the Boogy said up, jump the Boogy!

Sunday, 24 August 2008

Contradicting myself!

A few blogposts earlier I had written the following self-flattering line - "Also, I am not a big fan of people who are superficially nice to others just to get their work done. In fact, they are the worst of the lot!"

From that day till today, I have been unwaivingly nice to pesky people just to get my work done. I guess it comes naturally when you are in trouble. Also it feels good to do it sometimes, although I am not particularly proud of it. I guess its ok to do it as long as it does not harm anyone else!

Kashmir non-issue

Jammu and Kashmir are burning, however, it is a non-issue for the rest of the country, even the PM himself. Shouldn’t we clear our stand on it ASAP? I know we won’t because we are a soft state and human rights violations are a part of daily routine.

I have heard of tyrannical incumbent governments with a horrible human rights record and I have heard of anti-government rebel organizations treating humans like cattle (no disrespect to cattle). But in India, ordinary citizens make lives of other citizens miserable and the government can only ‘strongly’ condemn it, close its eyes and hope it goes away!

I personally believe Kashmir IS India!