Sunday, 22 June 2008

The Indian Mentality

This is the first of my series of blogs that I intend to write consistently everyday.

It makes me sad how Indians abuse the power of money and status against those who do not have it. I think it was Gandhiji who once said that the true worth of a person can be measured by observing how he/she behaves with people less fortunate than him/her. One of the rare instances I agree with Gandhiji.

Some people feel it is their birthright to treat the economically disadvantaged like a low-life whereas some people, including a very very close relative of mine feel it is alright to pour out their life's frustrations on them.

Vice versa, we Indians speciously treat those above us with false humility, which is also not needed.

Growing up in a city, I've only seen class differences which makes people behave the way they do but I'm sure in villages, caste differences also play a major role in deciding who is the suppressor and who is the suppressee... (don't know if there is a word like 'suppressee').

Also, I am not a big fan of people who are superficially nice to others just to get their work done. In fact, they are the worst of the lot!

Its really bothersome to see people having this attitude in the 21st century.

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