Wednesday, 15 July 2009

"Where is the Avidence?"

My friend once recalled a very funny cartoon he saw in a newspaper. It showed Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari with an outstretched hand which was tainted with someone's blood. The caption below read - "Prove that this is my hand". A very funny yet effective way to showcase Pakistan's mentality.

They are always in need of more evidence or 'avidence' as they put it in their accent. "We would like to co-operate with the Indian government but where is the avidence? We need avidence. Justice is being delayed because we don't have the avidence."

I'm beginning to think that it is not the fault of Pakistani accent and "avidence" maybe has a different meaning from "evidence". No wonder then we are frustrating the Pakistanis by sending them truckloads of evidence when what they actually require is avidence. Chidambaram needs to look up some Urdu dictionary to find the actual meaning of the word.

But seriously, we are also idiots. We keep sending them dossiers of this doggone avidence. I'm sure we are preparing the next batch. There is a metaphor in Gujarati "koniye gur lagaade chhe". It means offering a sweet to someone by sticking it on their elbow asking them lick it away. In case you don't know, it is impossible to lick your own elbow. It is like offering something to a person with the knowledge that he won't be able to get it.

Now stop trying to lick your elbow and read on...

Not only do we live in the hopes of licking our own elbows, but also the minute our minister or diplomat sees a Pakistani counterpart in some foreign summit, he rushes to shake his hand like there is no tomorrow. I'm sure the world laughs at our meekness, behind closed doors.

I am one of the people who voted the UPA government back to power inspite of its security goof-ups. Manmohan Singh needs to do more than just condemn terror attacks. We cannot afford another attack to give us a wake up call.

We now need to give Pakistan some tough evidence of our seriousness. I know I sound naive in expecting that but I'd rather be naive than cynical.

1 comment:

  1. hey! that was really funny, in an effective way! :)
